
Who is ChangeABLE designed for?

The game will serve anyone in leadership including C-Suite, directors, supervisors, managers, team leads, coordinators, etc. ChangeABLE is applicable to organizations and businesses both large and small.

How many changes can players tackle in one session of playing ChangeABLE?

All players can address the same change or each individual or team can pursue their own unique change initiative. Please remember that ChangeABLE can be played over and over in your organization!

What makes ChangeABLE distinctive from other training or change techniques?

The game is designed to be interactive. Players are working on real time challenges in their organization. Participants get to “test the waters” with their change initiative and refine their plans if necessary. During the game, players challenge and support one another as they transition from their present state to achieve tangible change.

How does the ChangeABLE Moderator receive training on the game?

The moderator is given a 5-minute video to view in advance of gameplay and an extensive Guide to help players navigate the board. We encourage your in-house moderator to familiarize themselves with the material prior to facilitating their first session.

Do participants keep the journal after the game concludes?

Yes, the ChangeABLE Journal is a key component of the game. As players navigate the board and learn from interaction, they are encouraged to take notes and reference the Journal as they work on individual or team objectives.

What types of change is this game applicable to?

Essentially any organizational change can be addressed by playing ChangeABLE. Players have found success in using this tool for new or revised procedures, re-evaluating workflow, expansion, planned or forced reorganizations, and technology enhancements. The possibilities are endless!

We’ve run out of participant Journals. How do we order a new supply?

Additional Journal pads can be purchased at our online store. Replacement pads contain 40 player Journals.

How long does it take to complete a ChangeABLE play session?

The duration of play depends upon the number of participants. A typical game can be played within 2 hours. If time becomes an issue, players can complete the game at another time. It is the role of the moderator to monitor the time and keep the game moving.


When should an organization schedule to play ChangeABLE?

  • in lieu of a typical weekly/monthly leadership meeting

  • as part of a leadership training session

  • during a retreat

  • as a breakout session for a conference

  • as a special session to address a difficult implementation

How do we contact you?

Please email info@ChangeABLEgame.com